
TraiNgang Anniversary boxcar


The first of the 25th Anniversary cars are ready, and available now! For those of you who have not yet seen it, here's a sample view of one of the cars displayed at the AGM on 15 January 2012 ...

Anniversary boxcar

The balance of the cars should be available by the end of January.

Posted By Patrick S. read more



At TRAINS 2011, the Vancouver TraiNgang N-trak layout took second place in the layout category of the popular vote contest! Well done folks!

layout award

In addition to that, member Bob Berbeck also took second place in the Module section of the contest. Now d'ya s'pose that was because of the fishermen, or the trains...? Hmmm, on second thought - don't answer that!

Posted By Patrick S. read more

Great layout!


At the recent Mount Cheam Lions annual Model Train and Hobby Show, out in Chillwack, BC, the Salmon Arm Model Railroad Association won the People's Choice Award and the Best Club layout award for their beautiful HO layout - again!

This magnificent layout has a wealth of detail and must surely be one of the finest examples of the art in BC.

As a tribute the fine modellers of Salmon Arm, here are a few images of their work which demonstrate their care, skill and passion for the hobby.

Posted By Patrick S. read more

All Hallow's Eve...


It's that time of year again, boys and girls... Stay safe, and don't eat too much sugar!

Oh, and watch out for trains trundling through grave yards... it might be the... "GHOST" train!

ghost train
Posted By Patrick S. read more

Train 'feast'!


We know these Vancouver TraiNgang folks are mad about trains, but this really takes the cake...

25th Anniversary cake

The occasion? The Vancouver TraiNgang's annual barbeque, which this year also marked the club's 25th year.

These lads may be very good with trains, but fortunately the 'gang' has friends who can bake - thanks to Joanne Peterson for baking up a storm with this delicious train feast!

Posted By Patrick S. read more

TraiNgang in the news...


The Maple Ridge 7 Pitt Meadows Times of September 13th, 2011, carries an interview with Bob Berbeck and Patrick Schafli, talking about their interest in model trains, and about the club.

The article is also well illustrated and can be found online with the photos here:

Posted By Patrick S. read more


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